
For the martyrs cemetery AV Actress performances provoked outrage around the

Scheduled tonight to a bar near the martyrs cemetery in Guangzhou performing popular Japanese AV Actress Aoi, Pine Island, Friends of Maple and Tomoko Iijima, the Guangzhou line at least to a later date. Bar area last night confirmed that the schedule for other reasons, the initial time to show 29th of this month.

"At half past eight p.m. on the 3 April, Guangzhou will have a bar Aoi, Matsushima Feng, Tomoko Iijima Friends of the three popular AV actresses come to 'support site', 110 per ticket!" Days, this " Explosion Tie "the size of the forum in Guangzhou reproduced, QQ group also have heat transfer, even in the happily online, many online polls asked whether to see. As the news has provoked much discussion in Guangzhou, as long as the search engine type "a" bar or two AV Actress (Friends of Tomoko Iijima less than the other two known) name, you can search large amounts of relevant information.

Reporter noted that, over five percent said that as long as the users can confirm AV Actress really come, we will definitely go to watch. In a related post of the thread, the users, "the moon Qing Feng," that if true, will be dedicated to Guangdong for one night stay in Guangzhou to see "AV female superior." User "gzhdbam" is excited that this show "is arrived": "If the 110 yuan a popular AV actress I have to see that Hong Kong should see 250." Netizen from Shanghai who calls himself "the killing of the skin" Please post in the online help a friend in Guangzhou confirmed, he said: "If it is true, I'll buy air tickets to Guangzhou."

As early as March 20, when the reporter called a bar, wiring staff confirmed that there are Japanese AV Actress Present on the show, if still want to buy tickets in advance bookings.

Users in public talking about the occasion, the situation suddenly nosedive, the Internet began to spread: popular Japanese AV Actress Guangzhou line has been canceled. Many users believe that the real reason may be that bar area is too large to see opposition under pressure canceled the show.

Bar area, said last night, performance is not canceled, just postponed because of other reasons for the schedule to 29 this month. As for making pornographic films to Guangzhou Japanese AV actress show what programs, bar area that is just sing and dance.

Japan's first 3D AV movie Actress save the 3D TV market

In order to catch up with Sony on June 10 launched a new Bravia in Japan's pace of 3D TV, the Japanese AV industry's largest S1 No.1Style sale on June 7 the world's first 3D adult video "3D X Mika Kayama" , plans to re-introduce a 19 "3D X Yuma Asami", the first time the Japanese audience to experience the fun of 3D adult video.
Japanese media report said in its analysis, although Sony, Panasonic and other Japanese consumer electronics maker in the flat TV market, lost to South Korean rivals, but they are regarded as the next generation of home entertainment revolution in 3D TV as the new avenge the main battlefield. The Japanese led the industry in the 3D TV market strikes, and may not be old technology magnate, will be one of Japan's famous product: AV Actress.
For the most demanding visual adult movies has always been willing to pay for the introduction of new technologies, such as personal experiences makes 3D television was optimistic the industry can improve sales performance, and with high-tech to counter piracy. Many Japanese AV movie fans expressed their intention for 3D TV to give it a try. Barclays Capital analysts bullish on the vine Senze You two popular AV actress in the 3D version of AV movie, he thinks it will succeed in attracting consumers to purchase 3D television. He believes that this trend deserves attention because of the lack of video content, will hinder the growth of 3D TV.
In addition, BRICs research economist Kadokura history refers to your video sales of last year, 1,086 Japanese AV billion yen (about 12 billion U.S. dollars), accounting for the scale of the Japanese film market 30% of the overall CD.
Although the AV industry adopt pregnant get hold, promising market prospect, but the Sony and Panasonic for the 3D version of AV Video can bring to enhance 3D TV sales and do not want to talk about. Research iSuppli predicted the global 3D TV shipments in 2010 reached 4.2 million sets in 2011 increased to 1,290 million units. For all of 2010 will ship 170 million LCD TV sets.

Tell you the real Japanese AV Actress!

In Japan, a dedicated AV Actress shooters find their streets openly in the midst of "touting", asked the girl to stop shooting AV, and those who do not resent this woman shopping behavior, and even proud of it. Because the shooters can be picked, and without exception are pretty extraordinary, to build a body face to face there.
After excavation to the girl scouts, and AV production company signed separate contract to become the company's official AV Actress, then by the company to arrange their performance. Before the performance, they will get a table on which was written in a variety of AV may be generated in the act, about 30 to 40 as much. AV Actress have to do is in the back of each tick or a cross, indicate their acceptance of the act can. These entries about: the way the various bundles, have sex, even jokes and so on. Entry is very much related to each of the various details of the AV type.
AV Actress's broker filled out the form according to the specific arrangements for the content of the film, in general, does not appear to actress scenes were unacceptable.
In addition, the table behind each entry will be marked to accept the remuneration of the act. More difficult to accept the project, the higher the remuneration. Acceptable to all, such as telling those jokes, from the compensation was very low. General filming a movie rewards received 4,000 Renminbi yuan. The number of good little actress film is usually 4-5 per month, some of the chances of the poor.
In the AV the film, we often see is a beautiful actress been a month of pure looks extremely ugly male superior torn, but in fact, in the filming process, the actress and the excellent relations between men are more friendly and harmonious of.
Before shooting, men are more superior and actress most friendly personal contacts with each other familiar with the process. The end of filming, and sometimes that the male superior to the actress or the film director should have sent flowers, and pictures taken.
AV shooting mode range from studio recording to the self-timer, has a different approach. AV production costs by a different studio, the price will vary. AV general shooting of a cycle is 1-2 days, paycheck by the number from 100,000 to 3,000,000 yen range.
AV Actress's tragic end
AV industry is a high-risk industry, when the AV actress is equivalent to take the road of no return.
AV Actress general would face an average of two to three years out, but OK to bring their influence has not dissipated with their withdrawal. AV girls are making a lot of friends behind her, and was often found to be restricted after the family participated in many activities. And did this line, hard to find a suitable marriage partners.
Particularly vulnerable to infectious diseases, but the AV Actress's brokers will not pay for their treatment costs. Actress out of many, almost all came to a life-long disease.
Although the surface of rich and powerful in Japan, but the work of fierce competition, high material desires, so many girls to join the AV industry reckless. However, many AV AV Actress In addition to shooting, but also other part-time work, such as hotels, karaoke places such as working OK. Some people do have a very good job, such as flight attendants or something.
In short, AV actress in Japan is a relatively special group, their work tends to wander between moral and non-moral, is being affected by criticisms are welcome. Their appearance, whether due to morals or social needs, are reasonable and legitimate in that society exists. After all, they just a bunch of actors.